Saturday, 19 March 2016

Visiting native american indians

John and Pauline's Teepees built from 12 buffalo hides and a lot of sticks in their garden

John in one of his Indian outfits

One of Pauline's many beautiful bead work 

John's flutes each with different tones 

Here are some pictures I took at a "Wig-Wam"

Here's some stitch work that Pauline did 

Another one of John's outfits 

John playing the flute

A bag that Pauline and John made

this is a herb called "Sage", it is used to ward off dark spirits the term being "Smudge"

Front and back of a coat that Pauline made you can see the eagle from earlier

Here are a few pictures I took with them at their house

Me holding a ceremonial spear

A map of native american tribes 

A poster on spirituality

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